New Package: Intuitive Dating Coaching

Here’s something new and fun for you— this is something that I’ve done for my friends for quite some time, and I figured in the age we live in of online dating, this could be of help to some of you. Or many of you. Just doing my part in making this available for everyone who wants/needs it.

This package is a combination of my photo reading service and intuitive counseling calls.

The breakdown is as follows: 5 photo readings and 2 30-minute calls.

If you’re back on the dating scene or have been out there for a while, I know how frustrating it can be. It can be a lot of sunken time figuring someone out, getting to know someone, just to be disappointed or find that they’re a replay of a pattern. We may want to know answers, red flags, more information than is provided (unless you’re also super intuitive!) and more than that, we may want to know why we’re attracting this, how our energies will align, what lessons are here and what these interactions mean in the grander scheme of things, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually.

And.. that’s where I come in! So, unlike a matchmaker or dating service which I will never be, I’m not finding people for you— YOU are sending me photos of up to 5 people that you’re dating, or want to date, or just want to suss out. There’s no time limit for this as people obviously differ in how they date- some want to date many and narrow it down, some want to date one at a time.

They say dating is a numbers game. I beg to differ. It’s an intuitive game. When I was dating, out of maybe the 100’s of people who were messaging me, I intuitively knew who I would connect to right away and only would meet them. I didn’t have the time to go out and interact with so many different energies, so it’s a shortcut. If we are aware, we will know who we have chemistry with before the first conversation.

Regardless, I’m open to if you want to send me photos of prospects, or photos of people you are currently dating and I’ll give you all the information I get on them that is of the highest good to know, including red flags. What you do with the information is up to you.

Sometimes we may be caught in cycles of attracting the same type of partner, which may not be for our highest good. That’s where the coaching calls come in- I’ll sense in for the deeper why’s and what this is highlighting in your life, what your unconscious wants to bring to your attention re: patterns, trauma, energetics, attachment styles. I’ll reflect back to you what it is that you’re needing to move through, or perhaps just bring greater awareness of your present state of being as it pertains to attraction.

I find that dating can sometimes shed a lot of light about who we are and what we’re familiar with. It can also be a nebulous, confusing territory, and an overwhelming one at that. So, with my help, we’ll take it one step farther in finding clarity, understanding and healing.


People often ask me how I knew that I was “gifted” and I’ll reply that it started when I was a child, I had a particularly keen insight into people. I’d tell people something— i.e. “this person is hiding x y z,” or “this person is really x y z” and people would be like, “no way” and disregard because it was so different from what was perceivable, i.e. their masks. 1-2 years later, or even more than that, in fact recently someone told me 3-4 years after that I was completely right.

New Services

I’ve decided to introduce two new sessions!

First one is a half hour clairvoyant healing. This will be less focused on a deep healing and more on specific questions.

Second, which I’m really excited about, is a photo reading. I’ve been doing this for my friends for ages and wanted to introduce it to more people. Basically, my friends will show me a photo of someone and I’ll sense in and tell you what I get intuitively. In person, I just put my hand over the photo and read the energy that comes through. This is useful for those of you who are online dating, or have a photo from someone’s instagram, etc. I’ll scan for what type of energy they read as, what blocks I pick up, red flags, etc.. and sometimes I can even sense whether they’re going to be a good energetic match for you (only if you’re a previous client, since I need some familiarity with your energy)

A lot of people have asked me in the past how online dating works for me, being that I’m so energetically in tune. I’ll just say that it saves me a lot of time because upon one glance of a photo I already know a lot, and especially whether we will have a connection. I will say that in the last few years, every single person I have met I have connected well with, energetically. Vibing things out at the offset saves SO much time.

Note: with the photo reading, please refrain from asking me any specific questions, as those are reserved for the emailed questions. I do this to protect my energy, since the emailed questions are more energetically involved, since I have to tap into your energy alongside the clairvoyant space. You can provide some info, like how you know this person or in what context. If you have follow up questions, then please book an emailed question too.

Book now via my booking page