The aura photo: a beautiful display of colors that may not mean much to most besides its aesthetic appeal.
White light: healing and extrasensory abilities, open energy usually signifying spiritual awakening. The white in my heart is 5th dimensional heart chakra energy: it is the mark of a pure and open heart. Red: root chakra, grounded. Indigo: 3rd eye, intuitive. Violet: crown chakra, spiritual. Magenta is a blend of red/indigo/violet which indicates loving interactions with others, or in other words, "someone who loves their life and interacts with others in meaningful ways" as told to me by my aura reader :). The quality of my aura has vastly improved since I began working on it!
Tons of white!
Because it isn't as tangible as say, clothing, because the etheric is not "visible" to most, doesn't mean that it does not have direct relevance to our lives. We are interacting with our auras and those of others on a moment to moment basis. Every aura we come in contact with informs and/or affects our own. It is, in fact, the most important outfit we will ever wear because it protects us. It says more about us than we can ever proclaim ourselves and most of it registers subconsciously. Ever observe two people in a classroom who chronically illicit different reactions from the teacher even if they say the same thing? The response is created in their energy, usually in relation to how they feel about themselves which creates energetic patterns, or it may be caused by energetic/emotional imprints from the past.
I treat the aura as an important diagnostic. Although I do have clairvoyance, it is helpful to have a visual confirmation of the aura to better assess the multiple layers of health in an individual. The aura tells us what kind of energy is leaving and what kind of energy is coming in. It tells us where we are weak and where we are strong. It not only clues us in to our present, past and future, but it can map out our progress as we continue to heal ourselves.
Treating them lightly has an importance in the current state of consciousness but that does not mean that you have to too. If you find it a helpful tool as I do, please share with me your photo! And remember to take care of your aura and when traveling (which above 3 hours strips the aura!) make sure to wear/bring the appropriate crystals to protect it.
Tags consciousness, aura, etheric body, light body, energy